Timely Insights, Timeless Wisdom

About the Series
Mondays, January 22 – June 3, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 PM E.T.
View Our Series Sponsors and Donors
Join JTS’s renowned faculty to learn about their current work and greatest passions. Drawing on their expertise, scholars will offer inspiring learning and expose us to new ideas and insights that help us connect the Jewish past with the Jewish future.
“Zion in the Diaspora”: How Jews Imagined They Lived in Zion Wherever they Actually Lived
with Dr. David Kraemer
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Where Are We Now? Rethinking Exile, Diaspora and Home in Israel and America
with Dr. Arnold Eisen, Chancellor Emeritus
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Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Campus: One Professor’s Reflections
with Dr. Michal Raucher
February 5, 2024
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NOTE: This session was not recorded for the public
Between Moscow, Kyiv, and Jerusalem:
How The Wars in Ukraine and Gaza Have Changed Russian and Ukrainian Attitudes Toward Israel and Jews
with Dr. David Fishman
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Jewish History and Education through the Lens of JTS’s Rare Manuscripts
with Dr. Yitz Landes
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A Queen in the Tomb of the Kings:
An Ancient Monument and its Modern Legacy
with Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz
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Mordecai the Jew and Esther the Greek:
The Changing Politics of the Book of Esther in Antiquity and Our Times
with Dr. Aaron Koller
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Law as a Moral Force: When President Truman and Chief Justice Warren Studied Talmud at JTS
with Dr. Shira Billet
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NOTE: Video available by request
Seeing the Unseeable:
Images of the Divine in Kabbalistic Texts
with Dr. Eitan Fishbane and
Dr. Marcus Mordecai Schwartz
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Prayer through the Lens of
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
with Rabbi Mychal Springer
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“Awaiting the Good Hour”:
Hope in the Bible as a Resource for Religious Life
with Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky
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From Symposium to Seder:
How The Rabbinic Adoption of Roman Party Conventions Became Our Passover Seder
with Dr. Robbert Harris
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Art as Witness: The Work and Remarkable Survival Story of Esther Lurie
with Dr. Shay Pilnik
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Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
with Dr. Alan Cooper
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Gender, the Bible,
and the Art of Translation
with Dr. Elias Sacks
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What is the Torah, Actually?
Preparing for Shavuot
with Dr. Benjamin Sommer
June 3, 2024
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Navi Sponsors ($1,800)
Yale Asbell, JTS Trustee
Tzadik Sponsors ($1,000)
Yale Asbell, JTS Trustee
Hakham Sponsors ($540)
Bracha and Marty Werber
Marleen Kassel Kerson and Paul Kerson
Diane Troderman
Drora and Matti Shalev
Berna and Bill Haberman and Rona Solberg
The Talkback Group of Temple Israel Scranton and Beyond
Bob Becker
Nancy Concool
Lori Gilman
Sharon Polack
Judith Wilensky
Marion Adler
Robert Barkin
David Barnard
Rabbi Lenore Bohm
Reba Cohen
Rich & Treasure Cohen
Carmen Corrales
Ilene & Irwin Davison
Nancy Fink
Harriet Friedman
Roberto Graetz
Howard Graybow
Richard Greenfield
Ann Greenstein
Doris Haas
Susan Hinton
Ivy Lapides
Rabbi Beverly Magidson
Lawrence Malitzky
Judy & Steven Richman
Karel Rubinstein
Anne Schwartz
Judith Sebestyen
Joel Shaiman
Leah Steinberg
Nach & Maron Waxman
Harold Wolfe
Fran Zavin
Sara Askin
Andrew Block
Rachel Braun
Edward Bromberg
Rabbi Margaret Cella
Steven Coven
Jerry Finkel
Robert Gertner
Susan Goldstein
Katherine Haspel
Lisa Hemmendinger
Toby Holtzman
Muriel Horowitz
Edith Kliman
Kay Magilavy
Sherwood Malamud
Jerry Pitkowsky
Erica Richard
Judy Schmeidler
Elkan Siegal
Martine Thomas
Hugh Tilson
Valerie Weinberg
Carmen Arick
Claire Asarnow
Toba August
Judith Bank
Rabbi David Baum
Elizabeth Beck
Msrk Bender
Fredda Bisman
Melvyn Bloom
Steven Chervin
Robert Cohen
Toni Davis
Aaron Delaney
Susan Dworkin
Judy Eick
Rena Gray Fein
Jody Ference
Diane Finger
Marilyn Fogel
William Freedman
Robert Friedland
David Glickman
Myrna Goldman
Roy Goldman
Cathy Goldwyn
David Grais
Debra Greenberg
Irwin Greenspan
Berna Haberman
David Haytowitz
Sarah Hirsen
Barbara Hoffman
Judith Hollander
Bernard Horowitz
Ann Hurwitz
Ginger Ignatoff
Helene Jaffa
Michelle Jenkins
Vivian Kasen
Emily Kirschenbaum
Emily Labaton
Susan Lackman
J. Lerman
Joan Levine
Joan Levison
Paul Lubetkin
Sally Mendelsohn
Ana Patricia Meono Picado
Harriet Merkowitz
Carol & Steve Mermey
J. Tyson Merrill
Ted Meyerson
Margaret Mintz
Steven Morgen
Joan Ostrer
Nancy Passow
Cynthia Payant
Ariane Pignaton
Leonard Podair
Isaac Pollak
Lydia & Kenneth Polonsky
Rabbi Charles Popky
Miriam Pyle
Rhonna & Brian Rogol
Phyllis Rosen
Robert Rosen
Sally Rotenberg
Marian Rothenberg
Howard Rottenberg
Lisa Sandler
Elizabeth Serebransky
Arthur Shalman
Lori Shapiro
Zeva Shapiro
Jacqueline Sheirr
Jonathan Silin
Irene Silver
Rabbi Melvin Sirner
Jay Smith
Joel Spector
Gary Starr
Sharon Steinberg
Lawrence Stern
Sara Stone
Joel Teibloom
Michael Yoeli
Judith Yudof
Tamra Zebovitz
Lynn Zimmering
Laura Zoller
Robin Kramarow & Jonathan Mintz
Additional Donors
Randall Axelrod
Yaneer & Naomi Bar-Yam
Harvey Benjamin
Susan Boer
Mary C Boys
Roslyn Bryan
Tamara Buck
Antoinette Ceisler
Judy Chesen
Michael Cohen
Lance Colie
Sisterhood Congregation
David Cooper
Nancy & Brian Cooper
Wendy Cooper
Natasha Dachos
Mark Deitch
Avi Dolgin
Susan Ehrlich
Helena Eilenberg
Ann Eisenstein
Gerald Erenberg
Yvonne Eschner
Leigh Evans
Deborah Falik
Amy Farber
James Farber
Marjorie Feinson
Yehudi Felman
Barbara Finkel
Michael Flanagin
Martin Flashner
Mindy Friedman
Helene Fuchs
Jonathan Gellman
Stuart Gershon
Mitchell Gilbert
Rabbi Elaine Glickman
Stephen Goodman
Les Gottlieb
Elizabeth Gross
Batya Haas
Rabbi Lindsey Healey-Pollack
Libby Henik
Robin Hershey
Colin Heyman
Naomi Honor
Janet Horn
Tamara Robin Jasper
Leslie Jaszczak
Bruce Jawer
Av Kadish
David Zvi Kalman
Valerie Kaplan
Richard Kaplowitz
Denise Karlin
Deborah Katz
Harriet Katz
Deborah Kesselhaut
Linda Kingsbury
Ken Kofman
Keith Krakaur
Joan Krauss
Sharon Krefetz
Janet Kremenitzer
Jessica Kuck
Lawrence Kunstadt
Joseph Kushick
Brian Lass
Sherry Leffert
Susanna Levin
Sara Lynn Newberger & Barbie Levine
Rabbi Beth Lieberman
Alicia Lubowski-Jahn
Paulette & Ed Margulies
Elliot Matz
Liati Mayk-Hai
Martin Melman
Sander Mendelson
Andrew Miller
Linda Milstein
Michelle Missaghieh
Alla Mogilevsky
Kathryn Mulhearn
Morgan Muston
Gilly Nadel
Zachary Narrett
Louis Nivert
Teresa Novick
Marilyn Oser
Rabbi Ita Paskind
Robert Perry
Elaine Pollack
Ethel Raim
Randee Rappoport-Solomon
Renee Ravich
Janaet Rickles
Helen Rifkind
Alisa Rivkin
Sherry Rogers Frost
Joanne Rosenberg
Ronald Roth
Jeremy Ruberg
Faith Rubin
Robert Rubin
Sarah Ryterband
Rabbi J.B. Sacks
Shamu Sadeh
Ann Saltzman
Jonathan Saperstein
Barbara Saunders-Adams
Rhea Schwartzberg
Ralph Seliger
Merton Shill
Hedy Shulman
Mark Siegelman
Randal Silbiger
Henrietta Silverman
Marjorie Simon
Muriel Simon
Amy & Bob Small
Esther Stern-Bloom
Janet Stotsky
Adrian Strizhak
Marcia Talmage Schneider
Andrea Templeman
Charlene Visconti
David Wade
Annette Weinshank
Barry & Ethel Weintraub
Herbert Weller
Jana Wernor
Barbara Wezelman
Howard White
Mark A. Wilson
Steven Wolf
Nancy Wygant
Cevia Yellin
Neil Zagorin
Wendy Zinn
Myra Zuckerbraun
Danny Weisberg & David Klingenberger