JTS supports Jewish leaders at every stage, from their time in our classrooms to their work in the field. Our professional development programs—ranging from intensive training for clergy to cohort programs for Jewish educators—nurture the sustained growth and innovation of leaders who guide the Jewish world’s institutions and communities. 

Continuing Education for Clergy

Online Learning for Rabbis and Cantors

Online Learning for Rabbis and Cantors

JTS offers online courses—led by members of our outstanding faculty—to help rabbis and cantors grow spiritually and intellectually, preparing them to better lead and teach their communities. We also offer free webinars around holiday sermon and teaching preparation, as well as select sessions open to both rabbis and cantors.    

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Summer Rabbinic Learning Conference

Summer Rabbinic Learning Conference

This 48-hour summer learning conference offers rabbis the chance to learn with JTS faculty about their current scholarly work and intellectual interests—while also including time for spiritual reflection, socializing with colleagues, and exploring New York City. 

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The Rabbinic Training Institute (RTI)

The Rabbinic Training Institute (RTI)

Facilitated by a faculty of leading scholars and teachers, RTI brings Conservative rabbis together for five intensive days of intellectual, professional, and spiritual growth. 

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For Jewish Educators

Standards and Benchmarks

Standards and Benchmarks

Jewish Day School Standards and Benchmarks supports schools in delivering excellence in the teaching of Judaic studies. It provides high-quality professional learning for instructional leaders that inspires teachers and students to delve deeply and meaningfully into the study of our sacred texts. Through participation in the initiative, Judaic Studies leaders will gain invaluable insights into their own leadership practices.

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Ivriyon: Hebrew Immersion Institute for Day School Educators

Ivriyon: Hebrew Immersion Institute for Day School Educators

This four-week language immersion program prepares day school educators to teach Judaic subjects effectively and engagingly in Hebrew through intensive communicative practice, writing, grammar review, and vocabulary expansion.

Note: There are no current cohorts of Ivriyon, but Ivriyon courses may be taken during the summer sessions.

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Jewish Early Childhood Education Leadership Institute (JECELI)

Jewish Early Childhood Education Leadership Institute (JECELI)

JECELI brings together new and aspiring directors of Jewish early childhood centers—representing a range of denominations—to develop as organizational leaders and as purpose-driven, spiritual individuals through a combination of interactive seminars, ongoing online collaborative study, and intensive mentoring,

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Day School Leadership Training Institute (DSLTI)

Day School Leadership Training Institute (DSLTI)

Over the course of 15 months, DSLTI prepares new and aspiring heads of school for their work in Jewish day schools by providing engaging experiential learning opportunities, cutting-edge leadership development, ongoing mentoring, and the chance to collaboratively problem-solve with cohort peers.  

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