Biblical Hebrew

Study biblical Hebrew through JTS’s online Biblical Hebrew program, which offers beginner through advanced courses. You can take individual courses or pursue the certificate in Biblical Hebrew.

Beginner courses cover the fundamentals of biblical grammar such as nouns, verbal stems, prefixes and suffixes. Advanced courses introduce you to the genres of biblical literature, including poetry and prophetic texts, and offer opportunities to workshop passages with your fellow adult learners in real-time.  

Small class sizes guarantee participation and individualized instruction. Participants are introduced to the latest resources to support this unique category of language acquisition, including Accordance Bible software and the Biblical Hebrew Grammar Card.


Each of our four courses is offered approximately twice a year.  

Biblical Hebrew I: Jumpstart Your Biblical Hebrew 

Learn to translate verses confidently from start to finish. Explore the fundamentals of biblical Hebrew such as nouns, prefixes, suffixes, and common verbs.  

Biblical Hebrew II: Biblical Hebrew Workshop 

Learn grammar inductively by translating passages from start to finish. Identify and parse intermediate verb forms.

Biblical Hebrew III: Binyanim Boot Camp 

Translate full chapters from beginning to end. Parse advanced verbs from the derived binyanim (stems). Learn to use a scholarly dictionary and Accordance’s search capabilities effectively to answer your own questions.

Biblical Hebrew IV: Advanced Reading Seminar 

Translate a biblical book or extended narrative from start to finish. Explore narrative flow, unusual qere and ketiv cases, rare verb forms, and unique idioms. Learn how and when to disagree with mainstream English translations.  


Dr. David Moster has taught Biblical Hebrew in person and online for over a decade, including at JTS. He holds three masters degrees, a doctoral degree, and rabbinic ordination (Bar-Ilan University, New York University, and Yeshiva University). He directs the Institute of Biblical Culture, where he teaches Hebrew and creates video materials about ancient Israelite language and culture for the general public. 

Two Ways to Participate

Take Individual Courses

You can take an individual course appropriate to your level any time it is offered. It’s up to you whether to take another course and continue your studies.

Certificate in Biblical Hebrew

For those ready to commit to sustained study of the Hebrew Bible, JTS offers a Certificate in Biblical Hebrew. Complete the four-course sequence and optional capstone project. By the conclusion of the program, you will be able to read and understand a book of the Bible from start to finish in the original Hebrew.  

Fees and Registration

Tuition is $415 per course. Certificate candidates receive a 10 percent discount on their first course.

View upcoming courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do courses run, and how long are they? 
Each course is offered approximately twice a year. All courses meet weekly and run for eight to ten sessions. Class sessions are 90 minutes in length. 

Are there prerequisites? Do I need to know the Hebrew alphabet?
Yes. To enroll in Biblical Hebrew I, basic knowledge of Hebrew is required, meaning the ability to read words aloud and translate some of the most common words and phrases, e.g. אֶרֶץ (eretz/land) and וַיֹּאמֶר (vayomer/he said).

Do I need to attend classes in real time? 
These courses are designed to be synchronous, with professor and students participating together in real time. Non-certificate students for whom the course time is impossible may contact us to discuss whether an exception can be made. Certificate candidates must participate in classes in real time.

What if I have to miss a class? 
Video recordings of class sessions are made available to registered participants so that you don’t fall behind if you need to miss class due to an occasional conflict.  

Is there homework? Are there any written requirements? 
Students are encouraged to complete a short translation assignment between classes, but homework is not required. There are no tests, papers, or grades. 

What is the typical class size? 
Classes are kept deliberately small (15-20 students) to ensure that everyone can participate fully. 

What are the costs? 
Tuition is $415 per course. Certificate candidates receive a 10 percent discount on their first course. There is no cost to declaring your candidacy for the certificate. With discount codes provided by JTS, course materials should cost no more than $80. Students will need to purchase these resources only once, for their first Biblical Hebrew course with us. 

Do courses fill up? 
Yes. If you are interested in an upcoming course, we recommend registering immediately to secure your spot. When we reach capacity, you will have the opportunity to put your name on a wait list and we will notify you if additional spots become available. If no spot opens up, we will notify you the next time the course is offered.

FAQ for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew

What benefits will I receive by enrolling in courses as a certificate candidate? 
As a certificate candidate, you will receive advance notification of new courses, allowing you to secure your spot before the course is promoted to the general public. You will also receive a 10 percent discount on your first course. Certificate candidates also have the option of completing an individual capstone project under the direct supervision of the instructor.

How long does it take to complete the certificate? 
It is possible to meet all the certificate program requirements in 18 months. Students with some prior background in biblical Hebrew may be able to complete it in less time. The certificate program must be completed within five years of the start date.  

Do I need to take all four courses to earn the certificate? What if I have some background in Biblical Hebrew? 
Certificate candidates who are uncertain about their level, or who believe they have the skills to begin at a more advanced level, will be evaluated in a 10-minute oral interview with the instructor. Where appropriate, students can begin with Biblical Hebrew II or III. All certificate students must complete Biblical Hebrew III and IV. 

Am I guaranteed a spot in the course of my choice as a certificate candidate?
No. As a certificate candidate, you will receive advance notice when a new course is opening, but we do not hold spots for certificate candidates beyond that early window due to high demand. 

How do I enroll in the certificate program? 
Declare your candidacy for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew before registering for a course. There is no cost to declaring your candidacy. Your confirmation email will include a promo code enabling you to register for your first course at a 10 percent discount.

What People Are Saying

Praise for the Program

I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to study with the Jumpstart Your Biblical Hebrew class. I’m just a beginner but these baby steps have already enriched my Torah study, prayers, and synagogue participation in following and better understanding the Siddur. I’m looking forward to my next JTS course.” 

Taking the course has slowed down my reading the prayer book on Saturday mornings, as I find myself actually reading the prayers.” 

This was a highly academic course, worthy of college credit. It provoked a lot of thinking and reflection. It challenged the mind and compelled the students to deeply engage with the material.”  

Praise for the Instructor

Dr. Moster is a fantastic teacher. He is cheerful, upbeat, enthusiastic about the subject, and extremely patient with students. He keeps things moving, but he also takes time to answer questions and go over material that might not be clear.” 

His depth of knowledge and expertise blew me away. He brought in many outside sources that broadened the content of the course as well.” 


If you have additional questions, please contact us at