Revelation at Sinai
Both of the images below reflect the awe and wonder at Sinai, reflecting two types of revelation: both the perception of God’s presence and the manifestation of God’s will through the laws of the Torah. These 19th Century prints from Special Collections of the JTS Library highlight the overwhelming presence of this moment.
Who Wrote the Ten Commandments (Benjamin Sommer): A participatory model of revelation
Why We Eat Dairy on Shavu’ot (Ismar Schorsch): Getting outside of our normal routine in order to engage the divine
The Revelation in Sci-Fi (Ryan Dulkin): A vision of transcendence in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Counting Ourselves As Israel (Leonard A. Sharzer): The importance of each individual Israelite in the giving of the Torah
Creation and Revelation (Matthew Berkowitz): “At the moment of revelation, the Israelites become active partners in creating a moral universe.”
The Still, Small Voice (song by Sam Blustin and Eliana Light)
Making Torah Our Own (piyyut performed by Galeet Dardashti)
Shavuot Webinar: The Ten Commandments in 20/20
with Eliezer Diamond
What Exactly Did God Say at Mount Sinai?
with Burton Visotzky
Coercive Consent? Understanding the Moment of Revelation at Sinai
with Matt Berkowitz
Turning Wheat into Bread: A Tale of Two Torahs
with Julia Andelman
with David Kraemer