Getting to ‘Sorry’

| Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur
By :
Shira D. Epstein Former Dean of the William Davidson School, JTS
Posted On Sep 26, 2016 / 5777 | Sound Bytes | Holidays
Forgiving and Asking Forgiveness: Sound Bytes for the High Holidays 5777
BT Bekhorot 57b
Once, the egg of a [Ziz]* fell and it flooded sixteen cities and destroyed three hundred cedar trees.
פעם אחת נפלה ביצת בר יוכני*, וטבעה ששים כרכים, ושברה שלש מאות ארזים.
Watch the other videos in this series.
*In this text, the bird is called a bar yokhni, however, former JTS professor Louis Ginzberg z”l explains that this is identified by later authorities as the same bird as the Ziz. (Legends of the Jews, vol. 1, p. 32, n. 139)