Contact Davidson Admissions

The William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education is America’s largest multidenominational school of Jewish education. Our students are people of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking to integrate their passion for Judaism with a wide range of professional goals.

The William Davidson School Admissions staff is available to guide you through the admissions process.

For more information or to ask questions about the application or admissions process, please contact the Admissions Office at (212) 678-8032 or

Rabbi Annie Lewis

Rabbi Annie Lewis

Director of Recruitment and Admissions for Religious and Educational Leadership and Assistant Dean of First Year Rabbinical Students

Rabbi Annie Lewis serves as the Director of Recruitment and Admissions for Religious and Educational Leadership and Assistant Dean of First Year Rabbinical Students. In this role, she is the lead ambassador for The Rabbinical School, The H. L. Miller Cantorial School, and the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education and oversees the planning, execution, and oversight of the full life cycle of the professional admissions operation.

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Samuel Byron

Samuel Byron

Executive Director of Admissions and Enrollment

As Executive Director of Admissions and Enrollment, Sam leads the admissions department and provides strategic leadership for enrollment management across JTS’s five schools. He works with the academic deans and division heads to enhance new student enrollment and advise on all enrollment-related matters. 

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