Rabbi Annie Lewis

Director of Recruitment and Admissions for Religious and Educational Leadership and Assistant Dean of First Year Rabbinical Students
Email: anlewis@jtsa.edu
Rabbi Annie Lewis serves as the Director of Recruitment and Admissions for Religious and Educational Leadership and Assistant Dean of First Year Rabbinical Students. In this role, she is the lead ambassador for The Rabbinical School, The H. L. Miller Cantorial School, and the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education and oversees the planning, execution, and oversight of the full life cycle of the professional admissions operation. Additionally, she serves on the leadership team for the Division of Religious Leadership, supporting rabbinical students as they begin their journey toward ordination.
Rabbi Lewis received her rabbinic ordination from JTS in 2012. After graduating, she served as the Assistant Rabbi at Germantown Jewish Centre, Visiting Rabbi at Congregation Beth Israel of Gulfport, Mississippi, Director of Rabbinic Formation at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Associate Rabbi at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel in Philadelphia, PA, and as Rabbi at Shaare Torah in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She was selected as a David Hartman Center Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America and serves on the Advisory Board for NCJW’s Rabbis for Reproductive Justice. Rabbi Lewis trained in couples and family therapy and brings this relationship toolkit to all aspects of her rabbinate. She is also a poet, singer, songwriter, organizer, orator, and teacher of heart-centered Torah.