Human or Divine?

| Purim / 5783 | Holidays

God is never mentioned in the Megillat Esther. These reflections explore the interplay between the human and the divine in the Purim story and beyond.

The Whimsy, Confusion, and Hope of Purim (Chancellor Emeritus Arnold Eisen) Finding God in the Purim story and world events

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Dr. Raymond Scheindlin): “the main emphasis of the book…is to teach active political responsibility, not passive faith in divine providence.”

Wearing the Crowns of Heaven (Chancellor Emeritus Ismar Schorsch): The Talmudic debate that led to the inclusion of the Book of Esther in the biblical canon

From Choice To Parts of a Whole (Rabbi Abigail Treu): Purim as a complement to Yom Kippur, pointing to the importance of human intervention


From Choice to Privilege
Rabbi Eliezer Diamond

Seeking God’s Face
Rabbi Eliezer Diamond and
Rabbi Bronwen Mullin (RS ’17)