Between Creation and Revelation

Between Creation and Revelation

Oct 21, 2006 By Matthew Berkowitz | Commentary | Bereishit

Creation and the act of creating stand at the essence of Parashat Bereishit.

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Choosing Life: Ways of Jewish Healing

Choosing Life: Ways of Jewish Healing

Oct 5, 2012 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Documentary

How does Judaism respond to tragedy, and how can it help one with healing? This and more are discussed in the documentary, “Choosing Life: Ways of Jewish Healing”

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Waters of Uncertainty

Waters of Uncertainty

Aug 15, 2014 By Alisa Braun | Commentary | Eikev

“If it doesn’t rain, we don’t know what’s going to happen,” commented a NASA water-cycle scientist recently on the drought that has been devastating California.

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Our Aging Bodies

Our Aging Bodies

Nov 18, 2011 By Abigail Treu | Commentary | Text Study | Hayyei Sarah

If the rabbis could imagine Abraham’s dismay at the physical signs of aging, how much more so for us, men and women, living in a culture in which we are constantly bombarded with visual images of young, vigorous bodies?

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The Suffering of Loss

The Suffering of Loss

Jun 20, 2014 By Shira D. Epstein | Commentary | Korah

We have grown accustomed to an incessant newsfeed scrolling of horrific natural-disaster footage.

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Good Ecology Makes Good Theology

Good Ecology Makes Good Theology

Aug 11, 2012 By Stephen P. Garfinkel | Commentary | Eikev

Last week’s reading and this week’s—which together form most of Moses’s second major valedictory speech to the people—provide two aspects of one integral message.

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Questions with Answers and Questions Without Answers: Science and Religion

Questions with Answers and Questions Without Answers: Science and Religion

Jan 29, 2014

Dr. Alan Lightman and Rabbi Jack Moline discuss both how science and religion conflict, and how they can sometimes work harmoniously.

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Religion, Science, and Wonder

Religion, Science, and Wonder

Feb 17, 2010 By The Jewish Theological Seminary | Public Event video

Look up at the natural world, and what do you see? You see a world filled with so much wonder and greatness that only a divine being could have created it. However, modern science explains these wonders with complex explanations and equations, showing that God might not have been the creator of this world. Dr. Janna Levin, professor of Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College, and Rabbi Shai Held, cofounder and rosh yeshiva at Mechon Hadar and chair in Jewish Thought look at these different thoughts.

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