Is It Right?
Mar 17, 2017 By Yehudah Webster | Commentary | Ki Tissa
Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular—but one must take it simply because it is right.
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Doing Shabbat, Together
Mar 17, 2017 By Judith Hauptman | Commentary | Ki Tissa
Following the instructions for preparing incense for future offerings, six verses speak of the Sabbath (Exod. 31: 13-18). Two of them appear in our siddur and are sung in most synagogues on Friday night and Shabbat morning (vv. 16-17). Probably because the words are so familiar, I have tended to overlook their precise meaning.
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Marketing Judaism
Feb 19, 2011 By Abigail Treu | Commentary | Text Study | Ki Tissa
If the Torah you teach isn’t sexy, don’t teach it. An unassailable marketing message rooted in a play on words: “had finished” is kekaloto, which─especially written as it is, missing the letter vav toward the end─could be rendered instead “as his bride.”
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Torah in the Face of Tragedy
Mar 9, 1996 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Ki Tissa
The month of Adar has hardly been a herald of joy for our people this year, as it traditionally is.
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The Lesson of the Golden Calf
Feb 26, 1994 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Ki Tissa
One third of the book of Exodus is devoted to the construction of the tabernacle, God’s mobile dwelling in the wilderness. I suspect that we moderns find the devil, and not God, in the profusion and repetition of details. The Torah could mercifully have spared us its twice-told tale, first God’s instructions to Moses (Ex. 25-31) and then his execution of them (Ex. 35-40).
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Transcending “Soulless Piety”
Mar 2, 2002 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Ki Tissa
Writing in the week of my father’s yahrzeit, I am drawn to reflect again on some of the spiritual heirlooms he left behind. One of my favorites is the piquant term “soulless piety” which he coined to describe an all too common phenomenon that results when ritual observance loses its emotional charge and we find ourselves just going through the motions. Judaism is a religion predicated on behavior rather than belief; compliance outranks spontaneity in its scale of values.
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Mountains Hanging by a Hair
Feb 18, 1995 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Ki Tissa
The Mishnah, edited by Rabbi Judah the Patriarch around the year 200, describes the laws of Shabbat as “mountains hanging by a hair,” because its vast legal articulation rests on such a slight scriptural base. The comment is disarmingly candid and wholly accurate. From the Torah itself we know that the weekly observance of Shabbat is to be the centerpiece of the Israelite religious edifice, yet we garner very little about how the Torah understands the concept of rest.
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Bronze Bull, Golden Calf
Feb 26, 2016 By Tim Daniel Bernard | Commentary | Ki Tissa
The metal bovine with a peculiar magnetism that is known as the Golden Calf (Exod. 32) brings to mind Arturo Di Modica’s Charging Bull (1989). A potent Financial District icon, it exerts a remarkable pull on passersby (on its webcam you can see the crowd so often around the statue). According to the artist’s website, it was designed as a “symbol of virility and courage” and “the perfect antidote to the Wall Street crash of 1986,” but it was also created without the invitation of the Wall Street community and was promptly removed from its original location in front of the New York Stock Exchange.
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