The Still, Small Voice

The Still, Small Voice

Jun 10, 2016 By Sam Blustin | Commentary | Shavuot

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah experiences a divine intervention: an angel brings him food, and then, on Mount Sinai, God passes by him. But God was not in the wind, nor the earthquake, nor the fire, but “the still, small voice.” This chapter includes allusions to other moments of divine revelation, which we highlighted in this song, including the giving of the Torah.

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Sight: Revelation at the Yiddish Theater

Sight: Revelation at the Yiddish Theater

Jun 6, 2016 By Stefanie Halpern | Short Video | Shavuot

From the 5776 Receiving Torah with All Our Senses series.

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Fragrance: The Aroma of the Torah

Fragrance: The Aroma of the Torah

Jun 6, 2016 By Daniel Nevins | Short Video | Shavuot

From the 5776 Receiving Torah with All Our Senses series.

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Touch: Beyond the Mountain’s Edge

Touch: Beyond the Mountain’s Edge

Jun 6, 2016 By Jan Uhrbach | Short Video | Shavuot

From the 5776 Receiving Torah with All Our Senses series.

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Hearing: Reading the Torah and Singing its Praises

Hearing: Reading the Torah and Singing its Praises

Jun 6, 2016 By Nancy Abramson | Short Video | Shavuot

From the 5776 Receiving Torah with All Our Senses series.

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Taste: Sweet in our Mouths

Taste: Sweet in our Mouths

Jun 6, 2016 By Eliezer B. Diamond | Short Video | Shavuot

From the 5776 Receiving Torah with All Our Senses series.

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The Revelation in Sci-Fi

The Revelation in Sci-Fi

May 22, 2015 By Ryan Dulkin | Commentary | Shavuot

As the sun rises over a craggy, barren landscape, the first rays of light penetrate the cavernous sleeping quarters of a family of primates. Off in the distance arise the sounds of an other worldly choir, an inchoate chorus. Agitated, the apes approach the entrance of their cave, situated on the side of a desert mountain, and find a mysterious object—a thin, pitch-black, rectangular monolith—standing erect, singing to them. 

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Yikzkor: The Order of Giving

Yikzkor: The Order of Giving

Apr 15, 2001 By Ismar Schorsch | Commentary | Pesah | Shavuot | Shemini Atzeret | Yom Kippur

Synagogue attendance always swells at Yizkor. No matter how attenuated our sense of being Jewish, we are drawn back for a moment to offer a prayer (“may God remember”) in memory of those we have loved and lost. The observance ofYahrzeit and Yizkor remains hallowed. The proximity of death still fills us with reverence if not foreboding.

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