Message from the Gershon Kekst Graduate School Dean

Students of the Gershon Kekst Graduate School immerse themselves in the study of the texts, traditions, and events that have shaped Judaism for generations. Their academic acuity leads to remarkable discoveries and contributes to the critical discourse that illuminates all realms of the study of Judaism.
Our students are drawn to a rich array of Jewish Studies programs and degree opportunities that nurture and prize the ability to engage critically with the texts and artifacts of Jewish tradition in their original language and historical context. In their course of study, our students acquire a strong foundation in Jewish Studies from which they can draw as they gain expertise in their areas of interest.
All students at JTS’s five schools are committed to serious study within a community enhanced by its diversity. For many, JTS is a place to find a religious community; for others, it is a place to figure out how being Jewish impacts one’s sense of social responsibility; for still others, it is a place to delve into Jewish learning at the highest level alongside people who share their passion for serious study. This diversity of perspective, united by a common desire to learn and make that learning matter, is what makes a JTS education unique.
Mentorship is another unique feature of our program at the Kekst Graduate School. At Kekst, you will have the opportunity to study with the finest scholars in their fields who are passionate about their learning and their teaching. Our faculty are committed to transmitting their passion to their students and to guiding them throughout their studies as they become passionate scholars.
This is what drew me to become a doctoral student in the Graduate School many years ago and it is what motivates me today as a Bible professor and as the dean of the Kekst Graduate School. I am grateful to be part of a school that integrates intellectual inquiry with passionate exploration, that is equally committed to scholarship and teaching, and that values deciphering ancient texts and engaging with contemporary modes of inquiry.
The Kekst Graduate School offers a remarkable blend of perspectives and research and degree opportunities that will enrich your learning and shape the scholar you will become. Our graduates become valued members of academic communities and contribute broadly and essentially to the understanding of Judaism.
The Gershon Kekst Graduate School nurtures a community of scholars that is vital to the future of Jewish Studies.
Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky
Dean, Gershon Kekst Graduate School
Blanche and Romie Shapiro Professor of Bible