Nusah: A Key to the Meaning of Prayer

Nusah: A Key to the Meaning of Prayer

Oct 5, 2012 By Jack Chomsky | Commentary

Of all the traditional melodies in the liturgical year, I have long been impressed by the remarkable musical setting of the kaddish preceding the prayers for Geshem (rain) at Shemini Atzeret, near the conclusion of the fall festival, and Tal (dew) at the beginning of Pesah in the spring).

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The Blessing of Monotony?

The Blessing of Monotony?

Sep 1, 2012 By Jack Chomsky | Commentary

Many people struggle with the fact that traditional Jewish prayer is a fixed entity. The words that we say, the times that we say them, are prescribed according to traditions and Jewish law. The culture in which we live, by contrast, values spontaneity and novelty. Why not pray when one feels like it, and not be forced to shoehorn one’s intellect and emotions according to the seemingly arbitrary ideas of our ancient rabbis?

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