Welcoming Our Newest Conservative/Masorti Rabbis and Cantors

Posted on Nov 22, 2022

We welcome and wish mazal tov to our newest Conservative/Masorti rabbis and cantors. 

Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano 

Rabbi Diego Edelberg 
Rabbi Leandro Galanternik 
Rabbi Sebastian Grimberg 
Rabbi Fernando Lapiduz 
Rabbi Deborah Rosenberg 
Rabbi Natan Waingortin 
Hazzan Gaston Bogomolni 
Hazzan Marcelo Garfunkel 
Hazzan Jonathan Kohan 
Hazzan Daniel Rosenthal 

Zacharias Frankel College 

Rabbi Ann Gaëlle Attias 
Rabbi Andrés Bruckner 
Rabbi Irene Muzas Calpe 

Chazak v’Ematz: Be Strong and Courageous as you establish your new paths of leadership in our Jewish communities.