She Plants a Seed for the Future, a Torah Fund Special Project, Comes to Fruition

Posted on Nov 24, 2021

From 2015-2017, Debbi Kaner Goldich, then International Torah Fund Chair, and Evelyn Seelig z”l, chaired the Torah Fund Special Project, She Plants a Seed for the Future. Funds raised were divided between the two Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning in North America. At Ziegler, the funds supported rabbinical students’ year of study in Israel. At JTS, the funds supported the re-envisioning of programming and physical improvements at the Women’s League Seminary Synagogue (WLSS). Marble floors and brass chandeliers were polished, walls were painted, the parochet/ark curtain was repaired by the original artist, a ramp to the bimah was installed, a new, handicapped accessible shulchan/reading table was crafted and the well-used chairs were replaced.

The new chairs and shulchan were produced by a kibbutz in Israel, and the attractive and welcoming space is already being used by students for prayer and study. A plaque outside the entrance to WLSS lists the major donors who funded this significant refurbishment. Thank you to everyone who supported this Torah Fund special project.

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