Rabbinical School Class of 2004 Reunion
November 20, 2024
On Monday, November 18, JTS was thrilled to welcome alumni from The Rabbinical School Class of 2004 to celebrate their 20th anniversary since ordination. Alums traveled from London; Seattle, WA; Detroit, MI; and other locations throughout the United States to reconnect with one another, tour the campus, and experience the JTS of 2024.

Their packed schedule included hearing from Dean Ayelet Cohen and discussing The Rabbinical School of today, as well as its future, exploring the Rare Book Room with Dr. David Kraemer, meeting with current Rabbinical School students, and hearing from Chancellor Schwartz and other members of the JTS administration. Rabbi Bill Lebeau, who was the class’s Rabbinical School Dean, surprised the group.

Rabbi David Levy, who helped organize the reunion, said this about the experience, “Every day is special, but today was truly a gift. Our JTS Rabbinical School Class of 2004 gathered for our 20-year reunion. These special people made Rabbinical School some of the most formative years in my life, and their continued friendship has sustained me throughout my career. Being together today was simply priceless. We missed those who couldn’t make it, but we committed to doing this again.”

The Class of 2004 gathered together on the bench they dedicated in 2022 on the 18th anniversary of their ordination.

Surprise visit from Rabbi Bill Lebeau, the class’s former dean.
If you or your class would like to organize an alumni reunion, please contact alumni@jtsa.edu.