Students with Disabilities

JTS is committed to meeting the needs of students with disabilities. The dean of the respective school in which the student is enrolled is the ADA/504 coordinator for the school. Each dean can be located in the office of the school. Students may check the website for the dean’s telephone number and email address.

Any student claiming a disability and requesting an accommodation must identify himself or herself to the dean as soon as possible and must provide JTS with current and appropriate medical or diagnostic documentation of his/her disability before any accommodations can be considered. The documentation should include a release form to enable a JTS administrator to discuss, with the student’s doctor, the student’s disability and 1) its impact on the student’s ability to participate in JTS programs, 2) the nature of the recommended accommodations related to the specific disabling condition, and 3) the duration of the disability. JTS will then discuss with the student what reasonable and appropriate accommodations can be made. In most cases involving learning disabilities, appropriate documentation should include adult-level assessment and the current status of learning skills and strategies.

Read the Policy and Guidelines for Student Accommodations here.

Download the Student Request for Accommodation.

Download the Verification of Disability Form for Mental Health Treatment Providers.