Welcome to Torah Fund

Torah Fund supports scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning. The dedicated philanthropy of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, Torah Fund has raised more than $110 million in over eight decades.
More than 35 years ago women changed the Conservative Movement to become rabbis and cantors in synagogues, and over the years, our donors have had an important role in the perpetuity of Conservative Judaism.
Am Yisrael Chai General Campaign
Our 2024–2025 Am Yisrael Chai campaign supports scholarships and programming at The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and The Abraham J. Heschel Seminary. Help strengthen Jewish education and ensure the vibrancy of the Jewish people for decades to come, with your gift to Torah Fund.
For our Canadian supporters:
Make your Torah Fund donation online in Canadian currency via our ecards platform: https://torahfundecards.jtsa.edu/canadian/. With a minimum purchase of one ecard at $5/recipient, you can make a contribution of any amount, and you will receive a tax receipt conforming to Canada Revenue Agency standards.
Or you may make your check payable to Jewish Theological Society and send to 100 Elder Street • North York, Ontario, M3H 5G7. A Canadian tax receipt will be issued and sent to you. Thank you for your contribution.
Our Creating New Spaces Campaign
Our special project, Creating New Spaces, will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” Our goal is to raise $200,000 that will be split equally between the two projects.
Torah Fund Legacy Society
We continue to develop our Torah Fund Legacy Society, offering planned giving options for our members to give an after-lifetime gift to Torah Fund.
Torah Fund Ecards
Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Our familiar designs are available in this new format. Customize a card, and your recipient can receive it immediately or whenever you specify. Your transaction will be handled securely and efficiently, and revenue from the Torah Fund ecards benefits our Torah Fund general campaign. Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!
For our Canadian and International donors: Ecard purchases can be made in a variety of currencies (based on your web browser). A US tax receipt from The Jewish Theological Seminary on behalf of Torah Fund will be provided. For our Canadian supporters, please use our dedicated Canadian platform that accepts Canadian currency and issues a tax receipt conforming to Canada Revenue Agency standards, for each transaction.
Chadashot, our quarterly newsletter, features the latest events and happenings of Torah Fund.
For inquiries, email torahfund@jtsa.edu or call the Torah Fund office at (212) 678-8876.