The Torah Fund Legacy Society: Building a Vibrant Jewish Future

Posted on Jun 21, 2022

Can you imagine what it was like when a small group of women got together in 1942 and established Torah Fund? Not even six months had passed since the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the world was engulfed in war, the Axis nations appeared to have the upper hand,* and the annihilation of Jewish communities of Europe was at its peak. Rabbis and scholars were among the many killed. And yet, these women with clear vision, mighty determination, and a bit of chutzpah said now is the time to ensure that we have rabbis, cantors, educators, and leaders to enable Judaism to survive and thrive into the future! 

This is the legacy they passed to us. For 80 years, we, the women of Conservative Judaism, have treasured that legacy and supported the annual campaigns and special projects that have fulfilled that vision. Our donors, through their annual commitments and more, have enabled us to raise needed funds year after year. 

Torah Fund now has The Legacy Society, and we recognize the women who have indicated that they wish to be part of continuing the legacy begun in 1942, by making bequests to Torah Fund. These women have the same vision and determination of our founders–and probably a bit of the chutzpah, too!  It is an honor to recognize these individuals: 

Gloria Adelson

Meryl and Michael Balaban 

Susan Ben-Rubin 

Karen Block 

Linda Boxer 

Ellen Kaner Bresnick and William O. Bresnick 

Donna Burkat 

Marilyn and Robert Cohen 

Laurie B. Davis 

Emert Family Trust 

Barbara Ezring 

Rachel Ferber 

Teri L. Fields 

Marjorie E. K. and Mark Fuhrmann

Madeleine Gimbel 

Wendy J. Glasser 

Nancy Goldberg 

Debra Kaner Goldich 

Sue Gurland 

Toby B. Holtzman 

Lela Beren Jacoby 

Judith Dickstein-Kenter and Rabbi Barry A. Kenter 

Janet Coleman Kirschner 

Ellie and Rabbi Jonathan Kremer 

Debbie Lempert 

Dr. Ellen Leonard 

Barbara Levin 

Deborah A. Letow 

Suzanne and Solomon Levy 

Esta Z. Lichtenstein 

Catherine Gordon Litofsky 

Joan G. Lowenstein 

Audrey Madans (z”l)

Carol Madvig 

Blanche Meisel 

Marjorie Miller 

Marion Mohl 

Denise S. Mosk 

Cheryl S. Patt 

Mimi Pollack 

Renee Ravich 

Robin Rogel-Goldstein 

Tobie Rosenberg 

Anita L. Schick 

Cory Schneider 

Carol and Michael Schnitzler 

Edna Schrank 

Randy Schwartz 

Maxine L. Pfefferman-Silverberg 

Carol and Jeff Simon 

Gloria Spitzer 

Marsha Strongin 

Cathy Swerdlow 

Marcia Toppall 

Rita Wertlieb 

Karen J. Winer and Stanley T. Winer (z”l)

Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields 

In addition, there are six generous donors who wish to remain anonymous. For more information about how you can become a member of our Torah Fund Legacy Society, please contact Marcia Toppall, Cathy Swerdlow, or the Torah Fund Office.


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