From Choice To Privilege

| Purim By :  Eliezer B. Diamond Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics Posted On Feb 26, 2015 / 5775 | Sound Bytes | Holidays

讗住转专 讚:讬讚
讻旨执讬 讗执诐-讛址讞植专值砖讈 转旨址讞植专执讬砖讈执讬 讘旨指注值转 讛址讝旨止讗转 专侄讜址讞 讜职讛址爪旨指诇指讛 讬址注植诪讜止讚 诇址讬旨职讛讜旨讚执讬诐 诪执诪旨指拽讜止诐 讗址讞值专 讜职讗址转旨职 讜旨讘值讬转-讗指讘执讬讱职 转旨止讗讘值讚讜旨 讜旨诪执讬 讬讜止讚值注址 讗执诐-诇职注值转 讻旨指讝止讗转 讛执讙旨址注址转旨职 诇址诪旨址诇职讻讜旨转:


Esther 4:14
For if you stay silent at this time, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish; and who knows if you have come to royalty for such a time as this?